
Peebles Historical Archive

Assorted jottings, gleanings and resources

Clement Bryce Gunn

Clement Bryce Gunn


A remarkable man by all accounts. Born in Edinburgh in 1860-12-17, he was the youngest of six children. His father died when he was just five months old which left his mother in a somewhat unfortunate position. This necessitated a move from St. Patrick Square to N.W. Circus Place whereupon, in what he describes as “a peculiar but quite agreeable arrangement”, they took in a lodger; a Greek scholar named Rev. Dr William Veitch (1794-1885).

In 1869 aged eight, he attended Heriot’s Hospital as a boarding scholar, leaving six years later in 1875. He started University the following year aged just sixteen, graduating in Medicine aged 21 in 1882.

Clement Gunn came to Peebles in 1885 October, where he “engaged rooms opposite the Manse (which then stood at the head of the Old Town)”.

He married Margaret Cameron in 1887-03-31, following which their first child, a daughter named Winifred, was born in 1888. Two years later, their first son George was born in 1890-06-00. Margaret gave birth to their second son John, five years later in 1893-08-00.

In 1895-08-31 at the age of 34, he moved the family into their newly built home at Lindores which was constructed to his own design.

