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Title: | Glenormiston |
Author: | CHAMBERS, William (1850) |
BookRef: | [C1.2] |
Filesize: | 6mb, 62pp |
Title: | A History of Peebles |
Author: | CHAMBERS, William and Robert (1864) |
BookRef: | [C1.5] |
Filesize: | 29mb, 580pp |
Title: | Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Peebles 1165-1710 |
Author: | Scottish Burgh Records Society (1872) |
BookRef: | [S3.2] |
Filesize: | 26.9mb, 538pp |
Title: | Peeblesshire and its Outland Borders, 3rd edition |
Author: | WATSON, James (c.1881) |
BookRef: | [W2.1] |
Filesize: | 8.75mb, 132pp |
Title: | Poems by James Grosart |
Author: | GROSART, James (1884) |
BookRef: | [G2.2] |
Filesize: | 2.1mb, 113pp |
Title: | Guide to Peeblesshire and Adjacent Country, 2nd Edition |
Author: | WATSON, James (c.1885) |
BookRef: | [W2.3] |
Filesize: | 11.2mb, 152pp |
Title: | Memoir of William and Robert Chambers |
Author: | CHAMBERS, William (1893) |
BookRef: | [C1.1] |
Filesize: | 20mb, 416pp |
Title: | Glimpses of Peebles or Forgotten Chapters in its History |
Author: | WILLIAMSON, Rev. Alex (1895) |
BookRef: | [W1.1] |
Filesize: | 17.6mb, 345pp |
Title: | Chronicles from Peebles Briggate |
Author: | GROSART, James (1899) |
BookRef: | [G2.1] |
Filesize: | 11.4mb, 197pp |
Title: | The Book of Peebles Church, St Andrew’s Collegiate Parish Chuch, AD 1195-1560 |
Author: | GUNN, Clement Bryce (1908) |
BookRef: | [G1.6] |
Filesize: | 26mb, 244pp |
Title: | The Ministry of the Presbytery of Peebles, AD 296-1910 |
Author: | GUNN, Clement Bryce (1910) |
BookRef: | [G1.7] |
Filesize: | 18.3mb, 199pp |
Title: | Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Peebles 1652-1714 with Appendix 1367-1665 |
Author: | Scottish Burgh Records Society (1910) |
BookRef: | [S3.1] |
Filesize: | 18.9mb, 260pp |
Title: | The Burgh of Peebles, Gleanings from its Records 1604-1652 |
Author: | RENWICK, Robert (1912) |
BookRef: | [R1.1] |
Filesize: | 8.49mb, 295pp |
Title: | Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, Volume 1, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale |
Author: | SCOTT, Hew (1915) |
BookRef: | [S1.1] |
Filesize: | 35.5mb, 480pp |
Title: | Peeblesshire Role of Honour {Peebles pages only} |
Author: | Allan Smyth (1916) |
BookRef: | [S4.1] |
Filesize: | 2.39mb, 64pp |
Title: | The Book of the Parish Church of Peebles A.D. 1784-1885 Presbyterianism |
Author: | GUNN, Clement Bryce (1917) |
BookRef: | [G1.3] |
Filesize: | 23mb, 226pp |
Title: | The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale, Burgh & Parish of Peebles, Book 1 |
Author: | GUNN, Clement Bryce (1920) |
BookRef: | [G1.4] |
Filesize: | 24.6mb, 386pp |
Title: | Neidpath Castle, Peebles |
Author: | GUNN, Clement Bryce (1931) |
BookRef: | [G1.5] |
Filesize: | 9mb, 43pp |
Title: | The Tweeddale Shooting Club 1790-1940 |
Author: | MURRAY, Captain George Wolfe (1945) |
BookRef: | [M1.1] |
Filesize: | 26.8mb, 342pp |
Title: | Peebles Beltane Festival Jubilee Book 1899-1949 |
Publisher: | KERR, J. A. (1949) |
BookRef: | [K1.1] |
Filesize: | 39.7mb, 107pp |
Title: | The Royal Burgh of Peebles in the nineteenth century: the impact of a locally-organised railway on a moribund Scottish county town |
Author: | DUNCAN, John Stuart (2005) |
BookRef: | [D1.1] |
Filesize: | 25.5mb, 367pp |
Source: PHD Thesis, The Open University